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Making Time For You

Grace Mercy and Peace to you my OACC family and friends! The Lord pressed it on my heart to share something with you all.

I have been assigned by God to be your Shepherd here on earth. I am to do all I possibly can to care for you and feed you good food that comes directly from the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. I endeavor to do just that by studying the word of God, praying for you, and delivering to you what God gives to me. The food that He gives to feed you, is first food for me so that I can have the Spiritual Nourishment to carry His message (food) to you. So, every word preached applies to me first. I share this with you to let you know that I am honored and privileged to shepherd you and care for you to the best ability and anointing that God has imparted in me.

What I specifically wanted to share with you today is this:

When a shepherd leads the sheep toward green pastures and still waters, he calls all of them by name and more importantly he takes the TIME to “wait” for all of the sheep to line up for the journey. Yes, he takes time to do this and doesn’t rush the process so that “NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND”.

What am I saying? I don’t want you to ever, never, ever think that I am too busy to talk to you or listen to you or counsel you. Sundays are more challenging because after service, I like to greet the new visitors before they run out the door, but if you need me on Sunday for something important or just to say hi, I would gladly receive you with open arms. 😊 Never the less, I never want it to leave your voice box to your lips “Pastor is probably too busy”. I can never be too busy to listen to you, pray for you, or even give you some Godly counsel. As we continue to grow, I can not possibly get to everyone at ‘one time’, but I want you to know that I am here for you and always willing to chat.

In the interim, just know that I love you immensely, I am honored to be connected to you, and finally, I will make time for you!!

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